William Mark Sommer – Awesome Cameras Podcast #31

Mark’s Links:

IG: @WilliamMarkSommer
Shop – http://williammarksommer.storenvy.com/
Video – https://vimeo.com/williammarksommer

Other Mentions:

Blood of the Young
Chris Fraser – http://www.chrisfraserstudio.com/
Nighted zines – https://www.instagram.com/nightedlife/
Travis Mortz – https://www.instagram.com/killindreams/
Forest Hill Film Lab – https://www.foresthillfilmlab.com/
Wheel of Misfortune – http://thisisindecline.com/

Clown Motel – http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/clown-motel
Havasupai Waterfalls – http://waterfallsofthegrandcanyon.com/havasu-falls/havasupai-waterfalls/
LA Art Book Fair
SF Zine Fest – http://www.sfzinefest.org/
FindRangers – https://www.instagram.com/findrangers/
Swampy / Train Hopping Photographer – http://swmpy.com/
Space B in San Jose @spaceb_